Tuesday 11 October 2016

If I could go back.

If I could go back, would I do it differently?
If I could go back would I change the past,
If I could go back would I make a difference?
If I could go back would I have gone a different way?
If I could go back, I'd show the world that I'm not just like every other old person.
If I could go back I'd show the world that I'm different and I deserve to be respected.
If I could go back I'd show the world everything I never did.
If I could go back I'd do everything again but would I change it ?
Not a chance in the world, every decision I made lead me to this beautiful place and though I am old I can still remember those wonderful decisions, though I am frail I can still think of those beautiful times when I was young. I will never forget those memories I made that time I fell from a tree. If I could go back, I'd do it all again in a heart beat just to have those memories.

I am here, though you no longer notice me.

They rush around me as if I do not matter,
they rush around as if I am not here,
they rush around me as if i where a ghost.
They rush around as if they have forgotten I am here,
Have they forgotten I am here?
Have they forgotten all about me?
 I do not blame them for they are young,
and I am old. But I am still here you know?
I can hear what yous say, oh yes I know I can
be a pain. I know I get confused sometimes,
but you must be patient with me, I am old and frail,
my mind isn't what it used to be. Though I could tell
you a story or two, you will not sit long enough to listen to me,
Though I am old, and though I forget sometimes if you look to see I am still here
I'm not just some old fool sitting in a room, I was young like you once.
Once upon a time, I used to rush around like someone else didn't matter,
once upon a time I rushed, though now I hobble and wobble about.
Once upon a time I used to be a child, I had toys galore.
Once upon a time, I used to look after someone, now I myself am looked after.
I am sorry if sometimes I forget your name,
I am sorry if sometimes I forget to tell you I need something,
I am sorry if sometimes I just don't want to talk,
I am sorry if sometimes I have a bad day.
Please remember I was young once too, please don't rush away from me,
stay have a chat and a cup of tea, I promise you when you are old it's all you'll want too.

The old lady in the corner

Today, an old lady sat in the corner of the room. She's a pretty old lady, with chaffed hands and a hardy looking face, every day she sits in that corner of the room looking blankly out in distance of the window.
She's always watching out the window, as if she's waiting for someone.
She hasn't had a visitor for months, her children live away, her husband died a few years ago. So I just wonder who she's waiting for, is it her long lost lover from an awful love affair from when she was young, or is she just confused and waiting for her husband to come back from the shop?
You can never tell, she's just the lady who waits, the lady who sits in the corner staring blankly out the window.